Saturday, January 7, 2017

8 years later

I realized as I sat down this morning to do some work, that a month from today, I will celebrate 8 years as a small business owner.
8 years is a long time for anything, but as a business owner, it's something to really be proud of, no matter what field you're in.
For me, it's Direct Sales. I am a consultant with Scentsy.
Now, now, don't scoff. :) There are a million and one direct sales companies out there and your experience or even true knowledge of them may be limited to just a few. You may know some rockstar consultants and you might know some who are terrible. Same goes for the products. Some are awesome and some, well, maybe not so much.
But I want to tell you about mine and why for myself and my family, it has been one of the best choices we could have ever made for our future.

When I joined  in February of 2009, I was struggling. More than just financially, I felt lonely. Even though my job as a stay at home mom was so valuable to our family, I felt like I was spinning in a monotonous routine that was suffocating. My days were filled with diaper changes, bottles, toddler fits and not much else. I had no close friendships and no interaction with anyone who could form complete sentences outside of church 3 times a week and my husband. It was hard.

When a friend at church hosted a basket party with a Scentsy consultant, I bought a bar of Pumpkin Roll wax, not even really understanding what I was supposed to do with it. I mean, there was no wick in it, but I wanted to support her party, even if $5 was all we could afford to spend.
Once my order arrived and I melted a cube in my trashy tea light melter (shh...don't tell!), I decided I wanted to host too so I could get a pretty warmer and get the full experience.
While hosting, the consultant asked if I'd ever thought about selling Scentsy. They always ask, don't they? Internally I'm thinking, "You don't know who you're asking lady. I have no friends, go no where, am as shy and introvert as they come and I've failed miserable at 2 other direct sales companies. No. No. No. No."
But then I started to think more about it. I think truly is was the Spirit of the Lord whispering into my heart because we couldn't even afford the starter kit. Why on earth would I think about spending $99 when we were continuously over drafting our account? But the idea was sticking. This was a chance for me to feel like I was contributing to our family more than just as a babysitter and maid.  A chance to be more than just mommy and wife. A chance to be around grown ups!
After prayer and conversation with my husband about the 'what ifs', we swung for the fence and I joined Scentsy, putting that $99 on a credit card with the only expectation that I would at least work to pay it back and then the rest would be whatever it would be.
My how everything would change.

I'm not going to go over the last 8 years in detail with you. It would take so long to go over every moment that has been pivotal in who I've become today and how it's shaped our family and it's future. What I can tell you is there have been MANY, but I would like to highlight a few.

First, financially. We went from having nothing (and I mean nothing) in the way of any extra money to a place of financial comfort. Through this, we have not only been able to buy a new house, 2 new vehicles, pay off student loans and other debts and even start a 401K, but have also been able to contribute to our church, our community and those around us who need help. That's not to say anything great about ourselves, but something SO great about the God we serve. We have come from the people who needed help, to the people who can give help and my how that fills my cup. (and now by law, I have to share our silly little income disclosure statement, so here that is...  Scentsy Income Disclosure Statement )

Second, me. I have changed. While I am still at introvert at heart, I have grown from a person who felt worthless to someone who get's to show others their worth. From a follower desperate for interaction, to a leader who helps her team chase dreams. From lonely to a woman surrounded by people who lift her up, support her and cheer her on in business and in life. From shy to standing on a stage in front of 10,000 people to share my story. I've found my place. I've found who I am.

Third, my family. Our future looks so different now. My daughter's were being raised by a broken mommy and while I'm not totally mended, who they see now is much different than before. What I am showing them through this business is that anything is possible if you work hard enough for it. That living an arrows out life means looking to better the lives of the people around you and that it comes in many forms. That financially security doesn't have to mean working a 9-5 job. That there are other ways. My husband has a wife who is better because of what she does. Together, we run a family business. One that takes us to new places, allows us to meet new people and given us the ability to pay our blessings forwards. All things that would have been near impossible before.

All because I bought that $5 bar of Pumpkin Roll wax 8 years ago.
All because I didn't let past failures or the stigma of direct sales make my choices .
All because God whispered sweet hope into my heart when I clicked the join button and I was listening.
8 years later I am so thankful for that friend who hosted that basket party.
For the life we are creating for ourselves and for our family.
For the spirit of simplicity, authenticity and generosity this company teaches us in everything it does.
Has it always been easy? No. Has it been worth it? Every. Single. Second.

8 years later.
I can't even imagine what the next 8 years will hold.
Stay tuned.

*If you'd like to learn more about joining Scentsy or have questions, feel free to contact me. You can hear more about my story or what it takes to become a part of this amazing company by clicking here

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