Sunday, January 15, 2017

Be careful little eyes what you see...

Piggy backing off of yesterday's post and stemming from a conversation I had with my husband this morning, today's post may seem some what elementary.
However, some times, it's the most basic truths we need to be reminded of.

On yesterday's post, I talked about the mantra of sorts by which we parent. To protect our daughters minds, hearts, bodies and souls. That being our job as their parents.
This morning, after some things I struggled with last night, I was talking to my husband how I need to be more careful about what I let into my mind.
I've been honest in sharing with you all before that I struggle with a wild imagination (that I have trouble taming) and have the enemy of our soul, who loves reveling in my feeling defeated, constantly on the prowl. Also, that I'm a feeler. Seemingly harmless words or actions, I feel deep, to a fault and that alone can be excruciating.

I think even as adults, adults who are doign every we can to protect our little children, we forget that we need protected too. We become so used to hearing things, seeing things, doing things that are harmful to us that we don't realize they're being harmful to us. It doesn't even have to be something as heavy as addiction, but seemingly "simple" every day things that wear and tear at our spirits and cause us to feel heavy burdened and worn.

I decided this morning that I've got to become more proactive in protecting my myself, my mind, heart, my body and my spirit, because increasingly, I feel the weight of it pressing in. I let things that shouldn't affect me at all, take complete control and it's all because I choose to let them in.

As I thought about it, the words to the sweet little kid's church song started playing in my mind. 
"Be careful little eyes what you see, be careful little eyes what you see. For the Father up above is looking down with love. Oh be careful little eyes what you see."
 That verse is followed by instruction for the ears, the mouth and the feet.  Being careful what you hear, what you say and where you go.

I really believe these verses are taught not only to encourage obedience to God and His will for us, but also to help protect us from the world and it's icky. 

We have the choice, on most days, to decide what we let into our mind and our hearts and where our feet take us. 
We see videos of abuse or terror on social media...and we watch them. Sometimes we even share them forcing others to have to see the same.
We read books and magazines about how we should be or look better... and we believe them. Telling ourselves we are less than.
We listen to gossip or bitterness and then let it fall from our own lips. 
We speak of death easily instead of speaking life into a lost world.
We let our hearts become so jaded, that we lose our sense of humanity and step right over the hurting. WE. 
We do that.
But we don't have to. 
If we'd only be more careful.
Careful to guard our hearts.
Careful to not let the thinks we watch, hear, speak and places we go become toxic chemicals in the core of who we are. We have the choice. We don't have to let the junk in. We can protect ourselves...and we should.

Let us choose each day to be mindful of what flows both in and out of us, realizing that what flows in, will determine what will be flowing out.
Be careful little eyes what you see...

What is something you let into your heart each day that you can take the control over?

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