Monday, October 1, 2018

Contagious Kindness...

Is this something you've ever experienced before? Contagious kindness? You know, that one act of nice someone did for your or for another that caused you to carry it forward? Isn't it beautiful?

Kindness is a funny thing. We treat it often like it is a rare commodity instead of a vast ocean that simply cannot run dry. Whether it be poured from a word of affirmation or a good deed to make things easier for another, choosing kindness goes so far.

This month, in our Scentsy group, we are going to be focusing on kindness. This focus is often saved for November when we take time to reflect on things we are grateful for, but we don't want to wait. We want to start sharing good right now.

You see, choosing kindness, showing kindness, has to be done with intention. We have to choose to put aside the way we might feel that day or that it maybe isn't second nature and decide that we will be the good in someone else's life. In big or small ways.

Much like showing affirmation and celebration for another's goodness, showing kindness has a 'Jesus, fish and loaves' way of reproducing in huge ways. Whether in filling our own heart's cup or in inspiring the same actions in others. It simply feels good for everyone involved.

So this month, every day, we will be issuing a challenge to our team that will encourage them to be the kind in someone's day. Intentional, purposeful kind. Both to help build up their hearts, but also their businesses.

31 days of changing our communities in small ways that will hopefully leave big impact.

What could your October look like if you did the same? How could your mindset be challenged to begin looking arrows out instead of arrows in? In other words, seeing the world around you and how you can make it better rather than the other way around.

Let this be your challenge to do this alongside of us. A call to action if you will. To write the thank you card, to make the donation, to hold the door, to put the shopping cart back, to leave a small gift for your delivery guy, to drop off food to someone in need, to volunteer at your school, to be the kind. Yes, even to the jerks. ;) That just might be even more contagious.