Monday, January 23, 2017

Motivation Monday- Today is the day

Need to start eating better? Today is the day
Need to do the dishes? Today is the day
Need to make an important phone call? Today is the day
Need to make a decision? Today is the day

Starting things can be hard. Especially when it's something we don't want to do in the first place, like this list above.
But there is something about just going and doing it now that feels good. In fact, usually when you knock one of those things out, it will cause you to do another, then another and another.

There is a great book I'd love to recommend to the procrastinators of the world who struggle with the starting. It's called "Eat That Frog" by Brian Tracy.
In this book, Brian teaches that every morning, we should eat our frogs first. Our "frogs" being the things we need to do most that we really don't want to do. Somehow, in start, we find momentum and get way more done in a day and feel much more accomplished. No one wants to eat frogs in the morning, but once they're swallowed, the day can only get better from there, right?

However, even greater than the every day chores we face, there are things we'd like to do, but are scared of beginning. Scared of 'what ifs', scared of not feeling good enough at or smart enough for. 
Dream chasing if you will, but there is so much goodness in just starting things. We can't have successes without beginnings, right?

The key to any of these things is to just do it. Just start it. Just begin. Let what happens after happen. Don't be scared of possible failures, but excited about what great things could come. Today is the day.

Apply for that new job.
Buy that perfect house.
Ask her on a date.
Sign up for those lessons.
Start writing that book.
Book that trip.
Join Scentsy 😉

Whatever is on your list today. Whether it's a chore or time to just start chasing a dream, just do it.
 Do it right now.  Today is the day.

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