Wednesday, January 11, 2017

These are a few of my favorite things...

The last few days of blogging have been heavy, haven't they?
I've worn my heart on my sleeve for the few who take the time to read my silly words and I'm sure one of two things has happened. You either feel really bad for my husband and kids who have to put up with my crazy OR you've already quit reading my blog. Either way, I get it.
But on the off chance neither is true and you've found yourself connected with me and the struggles or just general mom life I take on each day, then kudos. I appreciate you not giving up on me. :)
Today I thought I'd keep it light and share, with you, some of my favorite things.
The things that make me happy,  I indulge in, that are nuggets of joy in my messy world.
 I've even included links to so you can enjoy them too, should your curiosity get the best of you.
This list is random...just like me.

With that being said, let's check the things I'm currently loving...

(and these are no order of importance...cause they're all awesome)

My favorite sounds: The Piano Guys
   These guys are amazing! Mashing classical pieces with modern music to create magic. If you don't dig classical or instrumental music, don't immediately write these guys off. What they do is so unique that I think you'll be surprised how your opinion about said genres changes. The cover current hits and reimagine classic movie theme songs. They just released their new album 'Uncharted' (on my birthday wishlist) and are currently on tour. If they're coming to a city near you, go see them! You don't regret it. (bonus: they're hilarious)

My favorite hiding spot: Panera
  It also happens to be my favorite place to meet with customers and my team members. In our store, I even have a spot picked out that I've deemed my own. It's quiet, the atmosphere is so relaxing and the food is stellar. My favorite bites include their bagels and the oh so delicious Spinach Artichoke Souffle. Mmmmm... Paired with a cup of Hazelnut coffee, I am left one happy customer. I even used their catering service to send bagels to our Home Office in Idaho without a hitch. Definite 2 thumbs up. If I need to just have some time to hide from the world, it's my favorite place to go.

My favorite new cleaning product: Scentsy Counter Clean
 So yes, it's a Scentsy product, but it gets my favorite cleaning product pick for good reason. It's amazing! Don't let the counter clean name fool you. We use it on EVERYTHING. Counters, bathrooms, floors, you name it. I've even seen people use it on carpets as a stain remover. So in this case, being able to buy a cleaner in your favorite fragrance is pure bonus, because the real winner here, is the cleaning power it has. I haven't found anything it can't handle. My fragrance pick: Coconut Cotten. Consider this your shameless plug to go check out my website.

My favorite snack: Popcorn
  I can't even really give you a link here because I love all popcorn. Haven't met one I've hated yet. (Unless it's stale or burnt...that's different). Popcorn is my favorite before bed snack and is the absolute MUST of the movie theater. I even make a pretty mean dark chocolate bacon caramel corn.
I like it buttery, salty, sweet, savory. Whichever way you want to share it. :)

My favorite show: The Chew
  And one of my friends actually sat in their audience today. I had to pray hard over my attitude of pure jealousy. I've been watching The Chew since it debuted and it only gets better. Besides the comedic banter, approachable recipes and great guest spots, I love how lighthearted the show is. Very little is taken seriously is it's a great escape from the heaviness you find in the news or typical talk shows. A reprieve if you will. It's the only show I DVR and watch solidly, without missing an episode. You can find The Chew on your local ABC affiliate.

My favorite household chore: The ILIFE Beetle robot vacuum
   I asked for this puppy for Christmas and happily received and yes, I'm still counting vacuuming as a chore even with him in our house. Also, I indeed  asked for a vacuum for Christmas. It's just where I am in life folks. We've adoringly named it Bailey (Beetle Bailey) and treat it like it's a pet. The best part? Instead of making messes, it cleans them up. This fella is much cheaper than a Roomba and had fantastic reviews. It glides easily across our hardwood floors, over rugs, under beds and couches and finds all sorts of stuff I miss when using a broom (Especially hair and dust). He's pretty awesome and yes, vacuuming is now my favorite chore. ;)

With that, it's time to go pick up the little ones from school. I'd love to hear what some of your favorite things are and why along with links to find them!
Share them in the comments below.

Most of all, remember to find time to enjoy the things you love. Whether it's something big or something small. Find those nuggets and let them make you happy.

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