Tuesday, January 3, 2017


Thwack. The sound of an arrow after it has left the bow and has swiftly found it's place in the target. Thwack.
If you've never heard that sound, you might not understand, but if you have, you get it.

Katie, my oldest little one (11), is an archer. A still very new archer in the scheme of things. She just began her 4th year competing on her school's NASP (National Archery in Schools Program) team and today, she participated in a qualifier shoot with another school to earn her spot in the State tournament. We started the day early and for the following 5 hours, listened as she, her teammates and competitors created thwack after thwack and I loved every minute of it.
You see, that sound, the twack, is a sound that inspires me.

When Kate first started archery, she was as green as it gets. Small, not strong and not very cordinated. If I'm being blunt, she wasn't good at all, but man, did she love archery. At that point, it was probably more of the idea of it, because her arrows didn't often get to make that thwack sound, but instead hit the ground.

Half way through the season that year, she still couldn't hold up the competition bows. Her tiny little arms just weren't strong enough for the weight. When the conversations began of the approaching regional shoot, her coach told her that if she wanted to participate, she'd have to be able to shoot "the big bows". Now, at the point, she could have just given up, right? I probably would have, but she didn't. She came home and told us she wanted to go. So that's where she set her sights. (no archery pun intended)
That very day, she started doing little 3rd grader pushups, pulling her bow at home, eating extra protein and shooting every chance she got. She persisted, she worked hard and she didn't let her goal out of her sight. (Let me also insert here that she has had some incredible coaches who have pushed, encouraged and driven her along the way. They didn't let her give up either.)
When the deadline came, Katie was able to hold the bow and even (most of the time anyway)  get the arrows to stick in the target. She accomplished what she needed to and so to Regionals she went. She shot in the high 100's which was a new record for her, but not good enough to continue to state.
Man alive was she proud and we were too. If it was the only experience we had with it all, it was worth it.

But it wouldn't be.

The next year came and a new season started. That tiny girl who could barely shoot the bow at the end of the last season, set her sites not only on going back to Regionals, but this time, wanted to earn her way to State. Oh and wanted to MEDAL at Regionals.
Now, let's pause. As a parent, we believe our kids can do anything, right? But we also don't want them to feel failure. So while we cheered her on and helped her continue to grow and get stronger, better, my mommy heart was nervous. I mean, she could barely hold the bow up the year before. How on earth was she going to MEDAL??? (Deep breath mom, deep breath. She'll be ok)

Katie did go to Regionals that year after extra practices and maybe even some spinach (hey, it worked for Popeye) and you know what? She did medal. Second place. I remember when the announcer said her name, we looked at each other, fell into the biggest hug and tears flowed. She was proud. I was proud. We knew what it took to get there. What a comeback. From barely holding a bow up the year before to second place in the region. Katie and her team were off to state.

To make the next couple of years go by quicker, this is what it has looked like...

At state that year, she finished in the top 100. Top 10 receive an invite to Nationals.
She decided she wanted that invite, so that was the new goal.
The next year, 2016, she took went and took second at State and sure enough, received that invitation to Nationals.
At the NASP Nationals this Summer, she finished in the top 3% of the nation in her division.
Top 20 receive an invite to Worlds.
Any guesses as to what her goal is this year?
Yep, Worlds. She's a dream chaser. My darling, hard working, dream chaser.

You see, Katie has found the key. The key that makes every person successful in any dream they chase. Determination. Not letting anything stand in the way. Not weakness, not fear, not uncertainty. Determination makes one work just that little bit extra that makes the difference between mediocrity and success.
She inspires me constantly.
Katie could have given up at any time. There were multiple moments that I'm sure she felt like a failure, like she wouldn't be good enough,, but she didn't. She hasn't. And I have a feeling she won't.

What if we all could be that brave? That determined? That fierce in our dream chasing?

So, that's what that thwack sound like to me. Every time I hear it. The arrow sings to this momma's ears, "I haven't given up mom. I'm chasing my dreams!" and it's one of the greatest sounds I'll ever hear.


Keep chasing your dreams my little love.... - Mom
Oh and if your'e still with me here, Katie shot a 274/300 today earning her first place in her division and second overall. (that's against boys too...hehe)

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