Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Give yourself a pat on the back...

I mean it. Do it now. Do it....... there ya go! Great job! You deserved that pat! For what? Something. I'm sure of it.

Over the last few days, I've been trying to be more mindful of how I'm nourishing my body. I am not on a certain plan or system and don't intend to be. I'm simply making better choices. Well, in the last 3 days, I've weighed in...3 times. 😆 You're not supposed to do that, but I can't help myself. We already know I have issues, right?
Anyway, today when I got on the scale (mid afternoon mind you), I was down 5 lbs.  I don't care if it's water weight, it's 5 pounds people! I turned around, smiled big and gave myself a big ole' pat on the back and said "you're awesome!" No lie. I did...and it felt great! And I'll tell ya, it's made making good choices this afternoon much easier, cause I want to be able to do that more. It felt good to tell myself I did a good job... and really hear it.

Listen- you deserve to know when you've done something awesome. Even better, you deserve to give yourself some credit and say, "yeah I did!" and give yourself a proud pat on the back!

I don't care whether it's something super ginormous like a promotion at work or something itty bitty like not freaking out when a spider crawls across the floor, be proud of yourself!

If you helped your kids with their homework and didn't say a bad word

For doing the chore you  hate that no one notices anyway.

If you cooked dinner tonight and 3/4 of your family members ate it

If you made a phone call you were scared to make

If you stepped on the scale and were down even just 1 pound

If you managed not to strangle someone (which means you also stayed out of jail today)


YOU DID THAT! No one else...YOU! That's awesome!

We cheat ourselves out of this a lot. We are told not to be prideful, but I really feel like there is a difference in feeling pride in something we've done and being prideful. Prideful is an attitude of arrogance or "being better than", but have pride in your work simply means you are proud of what you've accomplished. What you do matters!

Today, I want to do something a little different. After you read this blog, I want you to share it on Facebook. Then, in your share, I want you to give yourself a high five for something you've done today. If you're not on Facebook, add it to our comments section below.
 Shout it out! Let us hear it! Show yourself some love! You don't have to wait for someone else to give you the credit. Sometimes, just being able to really give it to ourselves means more anyway.

So...what did you do today?

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