Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Hold the door open- Sharing the Scentsy Opporunity

Imagine for a moment what life would look like if no one had shared Scentsy with you. Think of the paychecks you would have missed, the trips you wouldn't have been able to take and the connections you wouldn't have in your life. 

Now think about all the people inside and outside of your circle who are in that place right now. Think about the people you know who would be so great at what you do. They have a fun personality or love people or maybe you just know that making money on the side would be a huge blessing to their family.

So what's the hold up on asking them to join your team? You know how much value it's added to your life, what's keeping you from giving them that same opportunity?Likely, the first things that came to mind was the fear of being told no or not knowing what to say.

So let's quickly address the first so we can get to the second. I have GREAT news!No Scentsy consultant ever died from being told no. Isn't that awesome? Did they feel awkward for a moment? Maybe. Did that moment pass and life go on? Yep!Don’t let a few no’s stop you, not everyone will be interested in what you are offering and that is okay! We want to work with those who want, love and need what we have to offer. I can promise you there are plenty of people out there that do love, want and need what you have to offer.

Best case- you share the opportunity and they say "I've actually been thinking about that!"Worse case- you just told someone you believed in them in enough that you thought they could run a business. There is nothing negative about that. Even if they say no. No isn't a representation of you. No is... life is super busy and they don't feel like they can do it in that season. No is...I'm not sure I can afford it. No is...I don't think I have what it takes/I'm not a salesman/I don't know anyone.Know what? You can relieve all of those concerns. If someone says no, say "I understand. May I ask why you think it may not be for you?" and then answer to them.

Also don't solely focus on the paycheck aspect. While for some, that will be what they are after, for others, the idea of traveling the world, or building relationships will be the appeal. Ask what they'd want from this business and tell them how it could meet that desire.

Remember that truly successful marketing always starts with serving others and building relationships. This means you want to focus on how you can help them, what solutions and services you can offer and provide to the person.  

Ask open-ended questions and questions that get them thinking. This means questions that require something other than a yes or no answer. This helps the conversation continue to flow and builds rapport and connection.

Another key tip is to be positive and think positive. Assume that they are going to be receptive, excited and accept what you have to offer. If not, don’t take it personally.
When you are focused on serving others, you have nothing to fear because you are offering them something of value.

Don't forget to follow up after making that initial contact and also to have some some fun opportunity packets ready to send out. Being prepared will give you confidence to take the next step. An opportunity packet may include a catalog, scent circle or sample, more about any current join specials happening, your story and maybe even info about how you and the company will support/train them. 

Now, what to say?  First and foremost, be authentic. DO NOT copy and paste what someone else has said and send it or post it without first editing it to sound like you. That feels super inauthentic and people can smell a copy and paste direct seller from a mile away. 
People don't want a carbon copy consultant. They want you. Who you are and what you have to offer. 

Below are a few sample scripts & word choices you can use to give you some ideas and a successful start when talking with people about your business. 

Example #1:“Hey ______! I was sitting down and working on my Scentsy business today & as I was looking at our $15 join special this month, your name popped into my mind. I’m not sure if this is something you’ve ever considered before, but I think you would be really great at what I do. Would it be okay for me to send some goodies for you to take a look at that kind of explain what that takes & how I’d do my best to support you along the way? No strings attached?  (Then you will either message or mail more info their way. Don’t forget to note that you did this in AMI or somewhere else so you can follow up in a couple of days and see if they have any questions.) Example #2:“Hey ______! I’m working on getting our brand new catalogs mailed out to my favorite customers and when I got to your name, I got to thinking about how much I’d love to have you on my team. You (insert something about their personality you admire here) and I think that would be an awesome quality in a consultant. I would be here to train and mentor you every step & we would have a blast together! Is it something you’ve ever thought about doing? 

Hold the door of opportunity open for someone today.

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