Thursday, August 22, 2019

My "hasn't failed me yet" stain remover trick you'll LOVE!

It never fails, does it? You get a cute new shirt or that perfect pair of jeans and boom! You get clumsy (or someone else does) and you've got an awful stain that you just can't get rid of.
Or... you have kids and everything is stained because, well, kids.

Last Fall we took a trip to Boston and bought our oldest the cutest hoodie in which she proceeded to live in for the next few months. When I say lived in, I mean she wore it every. single. day.

K isn't the tidiest person and it wasn't long until that teal hoodie was covered in chocolate, taco grease, coffee drips, pen marks or whatever other nonsense she seemed to spill on it during her day. 
It came to the point that I was willing to try anything to get it clean and if it ruined it, well, it was already ruined so anything was worth a shot.

After some Pinteresting (yep, totally made that word up), I stumbled across this stain removal trick and gave it a go and was BLOWN AWAY by how well it worked. I wish I could give the original pinner credit, but I didn't actually pin it (which was  rookie mistake. Don't forget to pin this one!) 

Here is the after picture. I say "hasn't failed me yet" as a total disclaimer just in case one day there is something it can't tackle. So far, it's removed very set in/ washed multiple times chocolate, ink,    grease, ball cap and armpit sweat and even blood stains.(I've got a kid who is a bleeder when it comes to her nose). 

Below is my "hasn't failed me yet" stain removal process. I have it laid out step by step, but you can also scroll down to the bottom and see the process in a one pinnable or savable picture for antsy launderers who don't have time to read. 

What you'll need: 
Hydrogen Peroxide * Baking Soda * Dawn Dish Soap * Scentsy Laundry Liquid 

Identify your stain and pour enough hydrogen peroxide over the spot to completely cover. Let it set for 5 minutes. It may bubble and it may not. Both are ok. Here you'll see me remove a set in grease stain on my daughter's shirt (I'm guessing tacos). I went ahead and carried the process onto the lace pocket as it had some bleed over from a denim jacket she'd worn with it.

Squirt Dawn dish soap over stain being sure you have enough to cover your stain.  Sprinkle baking soda over soap and rub to create a thick paste. Let it sit & do it's thing for at least one hour then rinse in the sink to remove excess dish soap.

Finally, wash as normal using Scentsy Laundry Liquid. Laundry Liquid has a powerful 6-enzyme formula that attacks difficult stains while penetrating cleaning agents lift away any excess dirt. It also leaves laundry remarkably clean as it enlivens your clothes, linens and towels it's signature fragrances.

And Ta-Da! No more stain! YAY!

As mentioned before, we've yet to find a stain it can't handle, but also do a test spot with the peroxide on a spot that can't be seen before diving into this process. < You know I had to say it ;)

And for you scrollers, here is your one and done explanation on how to use this stain remover: 

If you use this trick, we'd love to know how it worked for you and what you used it on!            
Share in the comments below & happy laundering! Errr.. never mind. That's lame.
I'll just wish you good luck & see ya stains! - Amanda

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