I am 6'1". Yes, I am a chick. A tall chick. A very tall chick.
If you've ever seen me and wondered why I don't look that tall, it's because I have a complex about being said height which means I don't stand up straight at all. I actually do this weird subconscious thing where I'll stand trying to be at your same height. I don't even realize I'm doing it.
Now, don't go all into the same talk I hear all the time about being proud of being tall, standing up straight, hunchback of Notre Dame blah blah. :)
I've heard it. Doesn't change anything.
I'm a woman that stands taller than most the men I'm around. That gives a girl a complex. Imagine never feeling little or very feminine. Yep.

Pants are too short.
So are shirts.
And sleeves. Always the sleeves.
My feet are too big and shoes are insanely hard to come by. I wear an 11 and everything has a heel.
I don't wear heels. I want cute, flat shoes that also don't make my feet look like boats.
Hugging is just weird if you're shorter than I am. (insert awkward chest hugs here)
I'm asked to get things off a shelves...all the time
If I lose 10 lbs, no one can tell. It takes a solid 30 for anyone to notice a difference.
Bleachers are the worst. Sometimes I'll even cross my legs over the row in front of me because it's more comfortable. No, not if someone is sitting there.
Crossing my legs under a short table or desk...impossible. Inevitably you'll awkwardly play footsie with someone and melt in embarassment as you assure them you weren't really.
I always have to stand in the back in pictures.
No. I didn't play basketball.
Shorter gals always tell me they wish they were tall. They obviously haven't read this list yet.
Their pants can get hemmed and their shirts taken in.
They have the choice of women's shoe sizes and even kid's shoe sizes some times.
Wearing heels doesn't make them tower above their man, but puts them at perfect arm candy level.
Hugging is totally appropriate (although, let's be real, I'm not a hugger any way, so I still think it's weird) :)
Every chair is made for your lovely self to sit in which means no uncomfortable looks from across the table.
You get to be in the front in all the family photos.
You probably don't play basketball either, but you don't get asked all the time, yes even 17 years out of high school.
But here's the thing.
It's okay.
I really am totally okay with my 6'1" self.
You don't have to worry about me not standing up all the way straight (Okay, except for the health consequences of course)
I'm fine with not having a 100 pairs of shoes. How would I even pick which to wear?
We don't have to hug. No, really. I'm not a hugger.
I really don't mind getting things off the shelves for you. It makes me feel helpful.
If it takes 30 lbs to lose for anyone to notice, it means they can't see the 10 I gain either.
I'll happily sit in the bleachers because it means I'm cheering someone on.
I don't mind standing in the back of pictures because I get to hide anything I don't want seen.
I'll sit at the table with you and just tuck my long legs under my chair just so we can keep chatting.
I have a great husband who loves having a wife taller than he and I love that he loves that.
But I'll still hate shopping.
and I'm definitely not playing basketball.
Here's to the tall girls!
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