Wednesday, January 25, 2017

...And then I found a dollar!

Sunday evening, before church started, the husband of Abby's Sunday school teacher approached Josh and I to tell us a story about Abby in class. 
As we've discussed before, Abby is a care free child with a tremendous imagination and spirit and so every time we hear those first few words, we can be sure an interesting story is to follow.

He proceeded to tell us about when they took up the offering in Sunday school a of weeks ago and how Abby had a really hard time letting go of the dollar she had ready to give. She really, really wanted to keep it and was struggling with what to do. Her teacher gently encouraged her to give, reminding her why we do and so, probably somewhat reluctantly, Abby handed over her dollar

Abby loves money which is not a trait we encourage around here. I don't want the girls to grow craving more and more because that isn't what bring happiness. It just brings stuff. However,  any time Abby has any amount of money, she wants to find some "treasure" to spend it on. Katie, on the other hand, is a saver. So for Abby, handing over that dollar bill to the offering felt quite sacrificial. She probably had already made a list of things she could have spent it on. 

Fast forward to this last Sunday and Abby is back in Sunday School. Excitedly, she tells her teachers  God "paid her back" for giving her dollar in the offering "and then I found a dollar!" she shares.
A dollar on the ground one day that week and was just sure that's why it was there. (she also found $5 under the washer and decided that was hers too, but that's another hilarious story for another day. She probably thought God was SUPER proud of her ;) )

Anyway, we laughed and laughed about it and got such a kick out of how Abby was sure this was God showing her how faithful He was. We had a chat about how God doesn't always reward obedience with financial blessings. Sometimes he will bless us in other ways, some seen and some, not so much some times. Whether God intended the lesson to be learned through this or not, Abby saw God as faithful that day. 

One of my favorite songs growing up was 'Great is Thy Faithfulness'. An old hymn, but a good one.  It's chorus reads...
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!
God's faithfulness is SO great. Each and every day, He is meeting our needs. Some times, He does it in a big, gigantic display catching our attention immediately. Other times, it's in small, almost unrecognizable ways that take a focused eye to catch. Either way, He is in them. Every detail, every need. He is there. He knows every concern we have laid on our heart. Every worry and every fear. All we need to do is lay them before His feet and remain obedient to His will.

Early in our marriage, we dealt with a lot of financial insecurity. Layman's terms...we were broke. There were times we'd be at church and Josh would remind me to write our tithes check and I'd think to myself, "with what money?". How was I supposed to tithe when we had bills due and barely enough to cover them? But knowing in my heart that God called us to be obedient to Him, I would write the check. I remember praying at the same time telling God that I was sorry in advance for it's probability of bouncing. Yep. I did. But can I tell you what happened? Every single time? Something would show up. An opportunity to work for extra money, a late wedding gift in the mail or a bill would be smaller than expected. He was faithful. Unwavering. New mercies we saw.

I mentioned before that God's favor and faithfulness doesn't always show up in cash form. Some times when what we think we need is money, there is something greater to be had that will make a bigger impact on where we are in life.
We simply must seek God and pray for Him to provide and in turn, show us in what ways we need to be obedient so we don't miss out. To help train our eyes to see His faithfulness in our struggle.

If you have a need you are praying about right now, don't question for a moment if God is in the midst. Even if it feels like something small compared to a big world of problems. 
I could tell you story after story of my own whispered prayers and how I questioned whether I should even be asking for what was on my heart. But I did and He answered. Every time. Not always in the way I had planned, but in ways even greater than I could have every imagined. 

Now, did God leave that dollar on the sidewalk for Abby to find that day to "pay her back" to her faithfulness in tithing?  We do know that tithing is a big deal to God and so maybe it was. Maybe it was an early lesson to show her that He will always provide, even when it "hurts" to give. Who knows really and honestly, it doesn't even matter.

Because whether it was or it was just some fluke, this one thing will always remain.
He. Is. Faithful.
To Abby.
To me.
And to you.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Keep moving forward.

Today, it's this. Just this. Because I love this quote so much. Some days, it's okay to just share a little nugget of something you love. <3

Monday, January 23, 2017

Motivation Monday- Today is the day

Need to start eating better? Today is the day
Need to do the dishes? Today is the day
Need to make an important phone call? Today is the day
Need to make a decision? Today is the day

Starting things can be hard. Especially when it's something we don't want to do in the first place, like this list above.
But there is something about just going and doing it now that feels good. In fact, usually when you knock one of those things out, it will cause you to do another, then another and another.

There is a great book I'd love to recommend to the procrastinators of the world who struggle with the starting. It's called "Eat That Frog" by Brian Tracy.
In this book, Brian teaches that every morning, we should eat our frogs first. Our "frogs" being the things we need to do most that we really don't want to do. Somehow, in start, we find momentum and get way more done in a day and feel much more accomplished. No one wants to eat frogs in the morning, but once they're swallowed, the day can only get better from there, right?

However, even greater than the every day chores we face, there are things we'd like to do, but are scared of beginning. Scared of 'what ifs', scared of not feeling good enough at or smart enough for. 
Dream chasing if you will, but there is so much goodness in just starting things. We can't have successes without beginnings, right?

The key to any of these things is to just do it. Just start it. Just begin. Let what happens after happen. Don't be scared of possible failures, but excited about what great things could come. Today is the day.

Apply for that new job.
Buy that perfect house.
Ask her on a date.
Sign up for those lessons.
Start writing that book.
Book that trip.
Join Scentsy 😉

Whatever is on your list today. Whether it's a chore or time to just start chasing a dream, just do it.
 Do it right now.  Today is the day.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

See fewer posts like this...

This last year has been heavy. Between unrest in our world and the election of our newest President, there is a LOT going on that calls us to speak up.
It seems social media specifically, has become the platform for the world to know our stance. Rightfully so. I mean, it's the quickest, easiest way to voice our opinions and make everyone hear them, whether they want to or not, right?

During the Fall, I watched as people I love shared those voices and feelings from both sides of the aisle.  Some did so with carefully chosen words and some, not so much. It's funny how passion can also cause a lack of good judgment sometimes. And that's in all things, not just politics.

Over this season, I found my heart becoming more and more burdened. Not only for our country, but as people's words to each other began to stack in piles inside it. How could passion become so mean? Why couldn't that passion be reigned in and used with dignity and goodness?
Maybe it's because of sin. Maybe it's because we are so desperate to have our voices heard that we will drown out all sense of humanity to make sure it is. I really don't know.

Beyond politics, I watched as my Facebook feed began to fill with click bait posts of abuse or terror. As people shared videos of horrific events to be a part of making them viral. We all want to be a part of something, don't we? It become consuming. Being sensitive to anxiety and a deep feeler, I started to become oppressed by what I would see. Sometimes even to the point of making myself ill.

Everyday I would scroll on and on just looking for light. For the good. It was in there. I just had to get past the icky to find it.

And then, something clicked. This is MY social media account. I get to decide what I see, but instead of "unfriending" or "unfollowing" people, because they have good inside the too somewhere, I took a different action. I also don't want to go social media dark because I do believe truly that there is goodness within those walls.

One day I came across a video a friend has shared showing an angry mob brutally attacking a man. I still don't know why people share things like this. Anyway, enough was enough and  I clicked the "Hide post" button in the top right hand corner. This button helps filter what is shown on my feed and I'd waited much too long to use it. You see, what has been filling my feed, is what I've been feeding on. Not good at all.

From there, each time I came across something that I couldn't bare to see, I did the same. Over a few weeks time, I became in control of what I was letting into my heart on my Facebook. No longer was I seeing all the junk, but the good and great things my friends have been sharing were being brought to surface. They weren't being pushed down by viral nonsense anymore. Encouragement, happiness, joy! Did it get rid of all the gross? No, but it sure cleaned it up A LOT!.

My friend, remember my post the other day about how important it is to be careful what we see, hear, and say? All in an effort to protect our minds and hearts? This is part of that. You have the ability to choose what you let in. More than you think.

I'm not choosing to do this because I want to stick my head in the sand or pretend it's not happening, but let's be honest, very little of the information I'd gain in this manner is as pure as it should be. If someone is passionate about changing how I feel about something, we can chat, in a civil way, just them and I. Facebook isn't where that will happen.
I am simply guarding my heart and am encouraging you to do the same.

I still want to let others light shine on me and I'd like to think that maybe mine shines on theirs, so unfriending isn't the way to go. Choosing what I'd like to see and not see as I look for that light is. At least for me anyway.

Whether it be politics, violence, language or maybe even annoying food pics (which I'm a sucker for, so don't hate :) ), you get to choose what fills your feed and hence, what you feed on.
Choose wisely my friend. Protect that precious heart. Don't let it become some contaminated by the world that you become cold and forget just Who that heart belongs to.

Friday, January 20, 2017

To the Tall Girls...

I am 6'1". Yes, I am a chick. A tall chick. A very tall chick.
If you've ever seen me and wondered why I don't look that tall, it's because I have a complex about being said height which means I don't stand up straight at all. I actually do this weird subconscious thing where I'll stand trying to be at your same height. I don't even realize I'm doing it.
Now, don't go all into the same talk I hear all the time about being proud of being tall, standing up straight, hunchback of Notre Dame blah blah. :)
I've heard it. Doesn't change anything.

I'm a woman that stands taller than most the men I'm around. That gives a girl a complex. Imagine never feeling little or very feminine. Yep.
Shopping is torture.
Pants are too short.
So are  shirts.
And sleeves. Always the sleeves.
My feet are too big and shoes are insanely hard to come by. I wear an 11 and everything has a heel.
I don't wear heels. I want cute, flat shoes that also don't make my feet look like boats.

Hugging is just weird if you're shorter than I am.  (insert awkward chest hugs here)
I'm asked to get things off a shelves...all the time
If I lose 10 lbs, no one can tell. It takes a solid 30 for anyone to notice a difference.
Bleachers are the worst. Sometimes I'll even cross my legs over the row in front of me because it's more comfortable. No, not if someone is sitting there.
Crossing my legs under a short table or desk...impossible. Inevitably you'll awkwardly play footsie with someone and melt in embarassment as you assure them you weren't really.
I always have to stand in the back in pictures.
No. I didn't play basketball.

Shorter gals always tell me they wish they were tall. They obviously haven't read this list yet.
Their pants can get hemmed and their shirts taken in.
They have the choice of women's shoe sizes and even kid's shoe sizes some times.
Wearing heels doesn't make them tower above their man, but puts them at perfect arm candy level.
Hugging is totally appropriate (although, let's be real, I'm not a hugger any way, so I still think it's weird) :)
Every chair is made for your lovely self to sit in which means no uncomfortable looks from across the table.
You get to be in the front in all the family photos.
You probably don't play basketball either, but you don't get asked all the time, yes even 17 years out of high school.

But here's the thing.
It's okay.
I really am totally okay with my 6'1" self.
You don't have to worry about me not standing up all the way straight (Okay, except for the health consequences of course)
I'm fine with not having a 100 pairs of shoes. How would I even pick which to wear?
We don't have to hug. No, really. I'm not a hugger.
I really don't mind getting things off the shelves for you. It makes me feel helpful.
If it takes 30 lbs to lose for anyone to notice, it means they can't see the 10 I gain either.
I'll happily sit in the bleachers because it means I'm cheering someone on.
I don't mind standing in the back of pictures because I get to hide anything I don't want seen.
I'll sit at the table with you and just tuck my long legs under my chair just so we can keep chatting.
I have a great husband who loves having a wife taller than he and I love that he loves that.

But I'll still hate shopping.

and I'm definitely not playing basketball.

Here's to the tall girls!

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Thursday Yummies...Our Snack Crate Review

Today's Yummies post will be a bit different. Instead of posting one of our family's favorite recipes, I want to share with you one of our favorite ways to discover new foods!

Back in the Fall I was cruising Facebook and came across an ad for Snack Crate. The picture was intriguing so I took the bait and clicked and that was that. ( the code for $10 off my first box didn't hurt either)

In our house, we love trying new things. I want my kids to have adventurous palettes as they grow and not be scared to try new foods. We also love to learn.
Snack Crate is a subscription box program that sends you and your family a box of snacks from a different country every month. The snacks will range from salt to sour to sweet and while some things are recognizable, some are not at all. Included the box is a fact sheet about the country from where your snacks originated, along with a description of each product in English (just in case you can't read the language printed on the wrapper).

My girls will ask almost daily when our box will arrive after I tell them it has shipped and is on it's way. They get so anxious to go to the mailbox and pull out that big blue box of goodness and discover what's inside. I'm not gonna lie...I get excited too!

Now in our house, we don't just rip it open and start snacking. We have a whole process.
First, we open the box and take out the country card. The girls take turns reading the facts and information about that month's country. Some are standard, but others, very intriguing!
Next, they choose what they want to try first, but before that, they hand me the booklet with the descriptions. That means that unless the packaging is from an English speaking country, they have no clue what they're about to eat (unless three is a picture on the wrapper). It's like fear factor- snacks edition.

After the first taste, they'll share what they think about it and what they think it is. Typically though, their faces do the talking.  Then, I read the description so they can discover what they've just tried.
It is one of the most fun things we do together. Especially when I know that what they're about to try is sure to elicit an emphatic reaction one way or the other. Parents, take note and make sure they save some for you! (then hide the things you love most!) LOL

Snack Crate offers a fun way to explore the world's snacks from home and get a little culture lesson all at the same time. It's a creative way to sneak in some learning in a hands on way.
In fact, many of my home schooling friends subscribe and us it as another tool in their teaching tool belt. So smart!

If you're as intrigued as I was when I saw that ad 6 months ago, I'd love to invite your to give it a try and give you $10 off of your first Snack Crate.

There are 3 crate sizes to pick from: Mini, Original and Premium. We subscribe to the original, but if you're just wanting to dip your toes in, grab that mini! With the $10 code, it will only put you out 4 bucks. Can't beat it! It would also make an awesome birthday gift! You can cancel or change your subscription easily at any time.

If you do give Snack Crate a try, we'd love to know what you think! We are huge fans in our house and are already counting down the days until our box from the Netherlands arrives in a couple weeks!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Give yourself a pat on the back...

I mean it. Do it now. Do it....... there ya go! Great job! You deserved that pat! For what? Something. I'm sure of it.

Over the last few days, I've been trying to be more mindful of how I'm nourishing my body. I am not on a certain plan or system and don't intend to be. I'm simply making better choices. Well, in the last 3 days, I've weighed in...3 times. 😆 You're not supposed to do that, but I can't help myself. We already know I have issues, right?
Anyway, today when I got on the scale (mid afternoon mind you), I was down 5 lbs.  I don't care if it's water weight, it's 5 pounds people! I turned around, smiled big and gave myself a big ole' pat on the back and said "you're awesome!" No lie. I did...and it felt great! And I'll tell ya, it's made making good choices this afternoon much easier, cause I want to be able to do that more. It felt good to tell myself I did a good job... and really hear it.

Listen- you deserve to know when you've done something awesome. Even better, you deserve to give yourself some credit and say, "yeah I did!" and give yourself a proud pat on the back!

I don't care whether it's something super ginormous like a promotion at work or something itty bitty like not freaking out when a spider crawls across the floor, be proud of yourself!

If you helped your kids with their homework and didn't say a bad word

For doing the chore you  hate that no one notices anyway.

If you cooked dinner tonight and 3/4 of your family members ate it

If you made a phone call you were scared to make

If you stepped on the scale and were down even just 1 pound

If you managed not to strangle someone (which means you also stayed out of jail today)


YOU DID THAT! No one else...YOU! That's awesome!

We cheat ourselves out of this a lot. We are told not to be prideful, but I really feel like there is a difference in feeling pride in something we've done and being prideful. Prideful is an attitude of arrogance or "being better than", but have pride in your work simply means you are proud of what you've accomplished. What you do matters!

Today, I want to do something a little different. After you read this blog, I want you to share it on Facebook. Then, in your share, I want you to give yourself a high five for something you've done today. If you're not on Facebook, add it to our comments section below.
 Shout it out! Let us hear it! Show yourself some love! You don't have to wait for someone else to give you the credit. Sometimes, just being able to really give it to ourselves means more anyway.

So...what did you do today?

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

No one likes a negative Nelly...not even Nelly.

We all know that person, don't we? We may even be that person.

I consider myself to be a pretty positive person. Not to say that I don't have moments of thinking negative, but it's typically self negativity and not towards the outside world. The positive thinker tends to look for the good, the possibilities and will tend to look for ways to overcome obstacles rather than be stopped by them.

Then you have what people call the "realist". I believe defined means "a person who accepts things as they are". But realist don't often look for the potential. It is what it is and that's it. I always joke with my "realist" friends that really, they're just pessimists in denial. ;) That's not to say that a realist is a negative person, they're just not always a positive one either. They're hanging in the balance.

Finally, you have your pessimists...they negative Nelly's. We all know that one person, right? Always complaining (especially on social media). Always sharing how life is terrible and never how it is good. If you ask them how they are, instead of "great, thank you!", you get why everything is terrible.
Often, they don't even see that this is what they are, but the people around them most certainly do.
They'll even complain about other Nelly's and how depressing they are, not even seeing it in themselves. Hence the title to today's blog. Not even negative Nelly's like negative Nelly's.

There are so many reasons one could choose to look at life with negativity in their hearts.
It could be how they were brought up, learning from generations before to feel like they're constantly defeated and carry it like a cloak around them.
It could be current life circumstances that have them feeling defeated, hopeless.
It could even be spiritual oppression.

Being around someone is is constantly griping, complaining, sulking, etc. is hard.
 The realist "gets it" but typically has no patience for it and the optimist wants to change it for them. They want to encourage them, support them, but often, the Nelly doesn't TRULY want it. There is comfort is being down. It's what they're used to.

Don't hear me wrong in today's post. I am in no way putting down the pessimist. I mean, I'm an optimist. I want to help the pessimist, remember? But what I'm trying to convey is that there is so much more to life than constantly sharing what's so bad about it. Negativity is much more contagious than positivity. Don't believe me? Go check your Facebook feed right now.

It makes me think of Eeyore. You know, the endearing donkey like fella on Winnie the Pooh. One of his quotes states, "I never get my hopes up, so I'm never let down."
Bless him. :) But here's what makes Eeyore different. He also says, "It never hurts to look to keep looking for sunshine." I think really, he's kind of a mix of all 3 personalities, but the resilient optimist side is what's so endearing. That even through struggle, he finds a little bit of joy to keep hanging on.

Here's the good news folks- there is a choice. You do get to choose which person you are. Who cares if you were brought up that way. Negativity is not a DNA trait. Choose joy! Look for what's ahead, what's possible, even when everything feels dark. Focus on what you can do to change your circumstances instead of letting them eat you alive. Pursue joy realizing that the enemy is the one who wants you to lie down in defeat. That's what brings him joy. Don't give it to him.

And that's where it all lies. In CHOOSING joy.
Now to be clear, joy and happiness are two totally different things. I don't have to be happy about a situation, but I can choose to have joy through it.  Joy is a fruit of the spirit of God. Happiness is fleeing, while joy is permanent. Happiness is just a feeling while joy is the promise that God's got this, even when you can't see how.

You'll find when you start to choose joy in hard situations, that those situations don't seem so dyer any longer. Big things become small. Small things...even smaller. Choosing joy means gaining control over your thoughts and casting down imaginations of "what could be" if that means the worse case scenario.
When those thoughts of defeat start creeping in, stop them, immediately, and instead, give God a praise for something that is good. When your fingers start aching to share all your troubles on Facebook, stop them, immediately, pick up your Bible and read Philippians 4:6-7, Romans 15:13, Psalm 69:18 or Nehemiah 8:10. That list could go on an on. God knows how pivotal joy is to our hearts, but do we?

Even the optimist has bad days. You can tell from my posts last week that not everything is always rosy even for someone who looks for the good, but it's my choice how I respond to those crummy times. That's what dictates how I choose to face life. Either as an overcomer or as one who is defeated.
I'm going to choose to choose joy. Will you?

Monday, January 16, 2017

Monday Motivation...

Just as Thursdays have been deemed Thursday Yummies day, I've decided that Monday's will be held for a little motivation. Nothing too heavy, but reminders to us all to take the week ahead of us and make it ours. Whether it's in your work, your parenting, your marriage, your home or a personal goal...own it! It's yours for the taking.

Today, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr day, I share with you this...

What are you moving towards?
Keep moving.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Be careful little eyes what you see...

Piggy backing off of yesterday's post and stemming from a conversation I had with my husband this morning, today's post may seem some what elementary.
However, some times, it's the most basic truths we need to be reminded of.

On yesterday's post, I talked about the mantra of sorts by which we parent. To protect our daughters minds, hearts, bodies and souls. That being our job as their parents.
This morning, after some things I struggled with last night, I was talking to my husband how I need to be more careful about what I let into my mind.
I've been honest in sharing with you all before that I struggle with a wild imagination (that I have trouble taming) and have the enemy of our soul, who loves reveling in my feeling defeated, constantly on the prowl. Also, that I'm a feeler. Seemingly harmless words or actions, I feel deep, to a fault and that alone can be excruciating.

I think even as adults, adults who are doign every we can to protect our little children, we forget that we need protected too. We become so used to hearing things, seeing things, doing things that are harmful to us that we don't realize they're being harmful to us. It doesn't even have to be something as heavy as addiction, but seemingly "simple" every day things that wear and tear at our spirits and cause us to feel heavy burdened and worn.

I decided this morning that I've got to become more proactive in protecting my myself, my mind, heart, my body and my spirit, because increasingly, I feel the weight of it pressing in. I let things that shouldn't affect me at all, take complete control and it's all because I choose to let them in.

As I thought about it, the words to the sweet little kid's church song started playing in my mind. 
"Be careful little eyes what you see, be careful little eyes what you see. For the Father up above is looking down with love. Oh be careful little eyes what you see."
 That verse is followed by instruction for the ears, the mouth and the feet.  Being careful what you hear, what you say and where you go.

I really believe these verses are taught not only to encourage obedience to God and His will for us, but also to help protect us from the world and it's icky. 

We have the choice, on most days, to decide what we let into our mind and our hearts and where our feet take us. 
We see videos of abuse or terror on social media...and we watch them. Sometimes we even share them forcing others to have to see the same.
We read books and magazines about how we should be or look better... and we believe them. Telling ourselves we are less than.
We listen to gossip or bitterness and then let it fall from our own lips. 
We speak of death easily instead of speaking life into a lost world.
We let our hearts become so jaded, that we lose our sense of humanity and step right over the hurting. WE. 
We do that.
But we don't have to. 
If we'd only be more careful.
Careful to guard our hearts.
Careful to not let the thinks we watch, hear, speak and places we go become toxic chemicals in the core of who we are. We have the choice. We don't have to let the junk in. We can protect ourselves...and we should.

Let us choose each day to be mindful of what flows both in and out of us, realizing that what flows in, will determine what will be flowing out.
Be careful little eyes what you see...

What is something you let into your heart each day that you can take the control over?

They're not my kids...

4 words my kids HATE hearing me say. No, not about them. About their friends and classmates. "They're not my kids" I say. "You are."

Early on in my motherhood, I found myself praying one day about being a mom. Mom'ing is hard ya'll. No instruction book, just a mix of guidance or examples from others, winging it and a prayer. I don't want to mess it up (even though I feel like I am daily), and so I wanted to know what God wanted from me for them. I didn't feel or hear an answer right away and so I waited, hopeful, that I would at least get some kind of clue as how at least attempt to keep them out of therapy at adults.

One day, Kate was asking for something and I couldn't even tell you now what it was, but the phrase, "everyone in my class has...." Know that phrase? Heard it? Sometimes it's "all my friends get to..." or "so and so doesn't have to..."
The standby reply was ready to come and after the "they're not my kids, you are" spilled out, I found myself continuing the conversation with her when normally, that was that.
It was followed with this question: "Katie, what's my job as your mom?"
*insert blank stare*
"Kate, what's my job as your mom?"
*continual blank stare*
And then, like I'd rehearsed it 100 times before, these words followed...
"To protect your mind, heart, body and soul. To make sure what's going into your mind is safe and appropriate, that your heart is protected from hurt and continually affirmed, to make sure your body is safe, respected and healthy and to make sure you are spiritually fed and serving God."

That was it. That's what God wanted from my motherhood and He spoke it through me, to her, in a moment we were both listening.

My job is not to be my kid's friends. Yes, when they are grown, I hope the relationship we've built through their childhood will yield a close bond and friendship, but right now, I'm not here to yield to their every whim. They can't make the right choice in every situation and my job is to be here to help them do just that. To train them up to be good, loving, healthy, followers of Christ.
So, not focusing on whether or not they like me, means some times those choices are hard ones. Choices they '"hate" me for or choices that seem unfair.
Some of these choices make our kids the "left out" kids because we are doing our best to protect them from an ugly cruel world.
It's why we've chosen for them not to have their own phones at young ages. In an effort for transparency, Kate will be getting one soon, but it will be extremely limited on what she's able to access and will full disclosure that we are the ones in control of it. Yes, that means we'll read every text she sends or receives and she's totally okay with that.
It's also why we are extremely picky about who's house they'll go hang out at and the list of who's house they can sleep over at is even smaller. 
They've never been allowed to have elementary school boyfriends and we don't encourage crushes.
It's why they don't have TV's in their rooms or free reign on the internet. It's why they aren't allowed to watch certain tv shows, movies or read certain books. Because our jobs are to protect their minds, bodies, hearts and souls and everything going into them.
What or who we allow access those parts of them will shape who they are. Shouldn't we all want to be so cautious of what's filtering through to these parts of them?
I need it to be crystal clear that I am in NO WAY judging any other parenting methods or would ever say that if you don't parent like us, you're doing it wrong. I am not that kind of momma. 
I'm also not in any way judging my kiddos friends or their parents. I love the ones they have dearly. They've done a pretty great job of picking their own little circles.  This is just us. This is what I prayed for God to show me. It's just how we are doing it.

In a world where children are being sexualized younger and younger, being told to look or act a certain way by peers, a pervasive social media presence, violence becoming less and less shocking and self worth so deeply tied into what other's think about us, I feel I would be failing as a parent if I was not trying to make sure I was doing everything I could for them to be and feel safe.

We want our girls to know that their value isn't tied to which boy does or doesn't like them.
We want our girls to know that not fitting in, is totally okay, if fitting in means going against their character and morals.
We want our kids to experience the things around them, not just see them on a screen.
We want their sleep to be peaceful and not full of nightmares of things their eyes have seen.
We want our kids to get to be kids.

If wanting all of these things for them deems us "helicopter parents" or them "sheltered", then so be it.
It's our job.
To protect their hearts, minds, bodies and souls.
And we take it pretty seriously.
It's something maybe even as adults we should be better at for our own self. To be more aware of protecting our minds, our hearts, our bodies and our souls.

So now, when I hear those frustrating words "But... (insert phrase of injustice here)" I reply with, "What are our jobs?" and they reply, "To protect our minds, bodies, hearts and souls" and then we discuss what part of that action conflicts with that calling. They get it.  Do they always like the answers? Oh Lord no. Does that always end the conversation or keep us from arguing? Ha! No. 
But they're understanding better, deeper why we make the decisions we do and I think that is garnering a least a little more respect for our choices. More so than this, they're quickly finding we won't make choices on what they can or can't do based on what another kid can or can't do.

They're not my kids, Katie and Abby. You are. And I love you.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Her gypsy soul...

Last week, I shared with you more about our oldest, Katie, and her love of archery and the fight she's fought with reaching her goals. If you haven't checked that out, I want to really encourage you to. It is such a story of determination and something, even as adults, we forget about sometimes. 

Today, I want to tell you about our littlest, Abby.

It's funny how when you're expecting your second child you tell yourself this insane lie that the second will be like the first. I'm sure it's because there is a lack of experience, but none the less, we assume they'll behave the same way, think the same way, even look somewhat the same.
But oh how wrong we are and we certainly were when Abby arrived.

Katie was very timid as a little one. Cautious, quieter, more inquisitive than investigatory. She questioned everything (and still does, just in that obnoxious preteen way) ;)

Abby, however, is her complete opposite. She was the one climbing on the couches, getting into stuff she shouldn't and has the energy we all wish we could bottle. It would be easy to label her as hyper or a wild child, but it's not unpurposed energy. She knows exactly what she's trying to do. 
Raising Abby is such a different experience than raising our oldest. Admittedly, an overwhelming one when we'd been used to quiet, reserved Katie.
I mean how could two girls raised in the same house with the same parents be SO different?

I remember a day last year as we were driving to church where Abby made me really appreciate who God created to be. I was trying to talk to her about something and I could tell she wasn't paying any attention. Super frustrated, I said, "Abby, why aren't you paying attention to me?"
She replied, "Because I'm busy looking at the world."

*gut check*

In that moment, I got it. I understood, better, my girl. It wasn't that she was purposely ignoring me. She was busy looking at the world, taking it in, seeing what it has to hold for her. 

And that's what she does. Constantly. She is more of what we need in this world. Her day revolves around making people happy and is rarely seen without a smile. She also has her very own sense of style and it is very...unique. :) But in her words, "She makes it look good." 
It also isn't rare to see her busting a move wherever there is music. School, stores, often an impromptu ballet in the living room and she couldn't careless who's watching. A prime example of her personality is found in last year's basketball pictures for school. The first picture she had to pose as they directed. The second, they said she could do whatever she wanted. So she did this...

  The her, the more people watching her do her thing, the better...because she's making them laugh. We joke and say that the rest of us are just in Abby's movie acting as supporting cast. She just truly loves life. She also loves others well.
Abby doesn't like seeing people struggle or upset. She doesn't hold grudges or stay mad long. She cares deeply for her friends and loves Jesus a whole lot. Outside of the normal frustrating kid stuff, she is such a light in an often dark world.

As a mom who admittedly really values being still and quiet, I have to be careful not to dim that light when I need her just to be calm. That's not who God created her to be.
Does He expect her obedience? Absolutely! Does He want me to change who she is? No.
I tell her all the time when I'm working on correcting bad behavior that I don't want her to change who she is, just how she's acting in that moment.

You see, Abby, just like Katie, just like me and just like you, is created the way we are for a purpose. I've talked before how we all have a place or purpose in this world. There are things Abby will be able to do  that Katie won't because of their individual personalities and vice versa. If I make Abby feel less valuable because she just won't sit and be silent, then I could possibly be cheating the world of what God has planned for that exploring soul of hers. Her little gypsy soul.
We call her our "wide open spaces" girl (referring to the Dixie Chicks song of years ago). 

So while I get frustrated, tired and some times a little crazy from the whirlwind that is our Abby Grace, I wouldn't want her to be any other way. I pray that God reminds me in those times that He loves her and is creating in her someone who has a big purpose in His plan. That I find balance in training her up without dulling her spirit. That I remember that some times, it's okay to be more like her.

She is confident. She is loving, She brings joy. She is bold. She seeks adventure. She loves Jesus. 
She's busy looking at the world.

Look at the world baby girl. It needs more of you in it. 

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Thursday Yummies...

I. Love. Food.
I really do. Too much maybe, but I just love great food.
Through our travels with our Scentsy business and family trips, we've been able to travel to some awesome cities in the US and really get a taste for what they have to offer. Every time we travel, I do research on places on the way and in our destination city that offer the best eats. If I'm going to waste calories, I want it to be worth it.

I also want to raise great eaters and so far, sans preteen hormones ("I hate this today, but will probably love it tomorrow"), they do a pretty good job of not being chicken nugget and french fry kids.
From the day they started being able to eat table foods, we introduced things that were different than typical kid food. We also implemented a rule in our house called the "No Thank You Bite".
If I cook something they're not so sure about, they have to at least take one bite. At that point, they can say no thank you and then their choices are a PB&J or whatever is  in the cabinet they can easily fix.
This rule has been great for our table because plates they'd immediately whine about and turn their noses from, get that one bite and, 9 times out of 10, finish with clean plates. They just need to try it.
You might not like everything, but you could be missing out on something awesome just because it looks funny.

That being said, there are some things I am picky about. Chili is one of those things.
I grew up hating chili. Greasy, sloppy, full of mystery ingredients I couldn't thanks!
It wasn't until I'd been married a few years that I decided to give it another try. I asked friends for their favorite recipes and saw one that didn't look scary. I made it the next day and that was it. This chili...this chili I could eat every darn day.

Over the years, it is the go to recipe I make when a cold day is upon us, for family Christmas, or for those occasional chili cook offs. It is so simple, but is so full of flavor and so far, is a pretty great crowd pleaser, even for the pickiest of eaters. It's a recipe my kids get super excited about and can even make themselves now, which makes my heart super happy. If you're a beginner cook, this recipe is for you!

So today, with another cold snap upon us here in Oklahoma, I thought I'd share the recipe with you. My oldest would protest as she feels like it should be a secret family recipe, but since someone else shared it with my first, I feel it's only right to pass it on.
Should you decide to give it a whirl, I pray it warms your belly and puts a miserably full, satisfied smile on your face.

1.5 lb of ground beef or ground venison
1- Large can of tomato soup
1- Can of red kidney beans
1- Can of chili beans
1- Can of Ranch beans
1 packet of taco seasoning

Optional: diced fresh jalepenos or red pepper flakes if you like your chili to have some heat 

Brown meat in a pan and drain well. Really well. We don't want greasy floaters in our chili.:)
In your crockpot, combine your tomato soup, beans and taco seasoning.
Fill your empty tomato soup can half way with water and pour into crockpot.
Stir well.
Once meat is browned and drained, add to your crockpot
If you like your chili spicy, add your jalepenos or red chili flakes to taste.
Cook on low for 8 hours or high for 4.
You can also do this same recipe on the stovetop in a deep pot and simmer on low-med heat for 15 minutes. Since everything is already cooked, it's ready when you are.

If you like your chili to be thicker and not soupy (we prefer thicker), take a cup of water and add a couple tablespoons of cornstartch. Mix until all the clumps are gone and 
then add to your crockpot and stir. This will thicken your chili.

With that, dinner is ready! 
We love to top ours with sour cream and shredded sharp cheddar on top. 
I recommend making a double batch and putting one in the freezer for those surprise snow days or whenever the craving hits.  The bonus of this recipe that if there is any left after dinner, it's even better the next day.

Do you have a food that you hated as a kid, but love now as an adult when you were able to make it your way? Let us hear about it in the comment section! Happy Eating!- Amanda

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

These are a few of my favorite things...

The last few days of blogging have been heavy, haven't they?
I've worn my heart on my sleeve for the few who take the time to read my silly words and I'm sure one of two things has happened. You either feel really bad for my husband and kids who have to put up with my crazy OR you've already quit reading my blog. Either way, I get it.
But on the off chance neither is true and you've found yourself connected with me and the struggles or just general mom life I take on each day, then kudos. I appreciate you not giving up on me. :)
Today I thought I'd keep it light and share, with you, some of my favorite things.
The things that make me happy,  I indulge in, that are nuggets of joy in my messy world.
 I've even included links to so you can enjoy them too, should your curiosity get the best of you.
This list is random...just like me.

With that being said, let's check the things I'm currently loving...

(and these are no order of importance...cause they're all awesome)

My favorite sounds: The Piano Guys
   These guys are amazing! Mashing classical pieces with modern music to create magic. If you don't dig classical or instrumental music, don't immediately write these guys off. What they do is so unique that I think you'll be surprised how your opinion about said genres changes. The cover current hits and reimagine classic movie theme songs. They just released their new album 'Uncharted' (on my birthday wishlist) and are currently on tour. If they're coming to a city near you, go see them! You don't regret it. (bonus: they're hilarious)

My favorite hiding spot: Panera
  It also happens to be my favorite place to meet with customers and my team members. In our store, I even have a spot picked out that I've deemed my own. It's quiet, the atmosphere is so relaxing and the food is stellar. My favorite bites include their bagels and the oh so delicious Spinach Artichoke Souffle. Mmmmm... Paired with a cup of Hazelnut coffee, I am left one happy customer. I even used their catering service to send bagels to our Home Office in Idaho without a hitch. Definite 2 thumbs up. If I need to just have some time to hide from the world, it's my favorite place to go.

My favorite new cleaning product: Scentsy Counter Clean
 So yes, it's a Scentsy product, but it gets my favorite cleaning product pick for good reason. It's amazing! Don't let the counter clean name fool you. We use it on EVERYTHING. Counters, bathrooms, floors, you name it. I've even seen people use it on carpets as a stain remover. So in this case, being able to buy a cleaner in your favorite fragrance is pure bonus, because the real winner here, is the cleaning power it has. I haven't found anything it can't handle. My fragrance pick: Coconut Cotten. Consider this your shameless plug to go check out my website.

My favorite snack: Popcorn
  I can't even really give you a link here because I love all popcorn. Haven't met one I've hated yet. (Unless it's stale or burnt...that's different). Popcorn is my favorite before bed snack and is the absolute MUST of the movie theater. I even make a pretty mean dark chocolate bacon caramel corn.
I like it buttery, salty, sweet, savory. Whichever way you want to share it. :)

My favorite show: The Chew
  And one of my friends actually sat in their audience today. I had to pray hard over my attitude of pure jealousy. I've been watching The Chew since it debuted and it only gets better. Besides the comedic banter, approachable recipes and great guest spots, I love how lighthearted the show is. Very little is taken seriously is it's a great escape from the heaviness you find in the news or typical talk shows. A reprieve if you will. It's the only show I DVR and watch solidly, without missing an episode. You can find The Chew on your local ABC affiliate.

My favorite household chore: The ILIFE Beetle robot vacuum
   I asked for this puppy for Christmas and happily received and yes, I'm still counting vacuuming as a chore even with him in our house. Also, I indeed  asked for a vacuum for Christmas. It's just where I am in life folks. We've adoringly named it Bailey (Beetle Bailey) and treat it like it's a pet. The best part? Instead of making messes, it cleans them up. This fella is much cheaper than a Roomba and had fantastic reviews. It glides easily across our hardwood floors, over rugs, under beds and couches and finds all sorts of stuff I miss when using a broom (Especially hair and dust). He's pretty awesome and yes, vacuuming is now my favorite chore. ;)

With that, it's time to go pick up the little ones from school. I'd love to hear what some of your favorite things are and why along with links to find them!
Share them in the comments below.

Most of all, remember to find time to enjoy the things you love. Whether it's something big or something small. Find those nuggets and let them make you happy.