Friday, August 30, 2019
Request your brand new Scentsy catalog & free sample here!
We love sending fun mail!
If you'd like to receive a copy of our brand new Fall/Winter 2019 catalog,
click the image below, send us your info & then keep an eye on your mail box!
We can't wait to show you what's in store this season! - Amanda
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Just us...
I remember the first time I left our oldest with my in-laws to go for our first overnight trip.
I remember the mom guilt. The MASSIVE, what will she do without me, mom guilt.
Then I remember the first time I left for a weekend trip after we had our second. "I'm the worst mom ever!" I thought. How selfish of me to think it was ok to leave and just go off on a trip with my husband like I didn't have little ones to take care of.
And then... then there was the first week we took away to travel to Cancun for a Scentsy leadership trip. Besides having to get on a plane, I remember just feeling like I was betraying my whole sense of motherhood by being there spending relaxing, even romantic time away with my husband.
How crazy was that? I was so wrapped up in this idea of what motherhood or parenthood was supposed to be that I felt GUILTY for putting the health of my marriage BEHIND my kids.
That was then, but this is now.
Now, we look for opportunities to sneak away. Whether it's a quick overnight somewhere or an Amtrak ride in the Fall from Chicago to Boston like we did last Fall.
Not to get away from our kids or our jobs as parents, but to be just us. Just Josh and Amanda. Just as we started.
Now before I go any further, I know we could get into a whole debate about so many parts to this. In fact, even as I type, I worry about how someone will twist my words to fit their agenda. Whatever that agenda might be. Truth be known- I can't know how you'll take it or what you'll do with it. I can only pray that God makes the intention of my heart known through my words.
Don't abandon your kids. Don't use this as an excuse to not raise them. If you know me, you know that I'm almost at helicopter mom status myself. I won't call it airplane status, because I hate planes, but you get the drift.
But I digress..
Next Summer, we will have been married 19 years. On the cusp of that big 20 year mark which is just crazy to think about. (Yes, we were basically babies when we got married).
Over the last 18+ years, we have learned a lot about each other as individual people, in our roles as spouses and in our roles as parents. Heck, we learn every day I think. We've had great years and we've had seasons where we barely held on by a thread. Both in parenting and in our marriage.
Truth is, for a season, I got so caught up in trying to be the "perfect" mom, that I forgot I was his wife first and that, when in 4 years, our oldest is ready to go off to college and then in another 4 when our youngest does the same, it will just be he and I again. Just Josh and Amanda. Just us. I thought that putting God first, kids second and him third was how it was supposed to be. Haven't you thought that too? I mean, it makes sense...except it absolutely doesn't.
It's why trips like this are important. It's why the intentional time invested into "just us" is vital. To be JUST Josh and Amanda. Not K & A's mom and dad. Not employee or leader. Not business owner or volunteer firefighter. Just simply he and I.
That day is going to come. The "empty nest" of our job raising adults having been completed when they'll be living their own lives, building their own dreams and doing big things. When all is said and done, what will be left of Josh and I. Just us?
Well, hopefully, because we have been intentional with our time over the years, we will be who we are right now (but better. Always striving to be better). We will know how to spend time together without it being at a ball game or school event. We will know how to interact as a husband and wife without the role of mom and dad being constantly called on all day.
What would happen if weren't intentional with that time? Those stolen moments, days or weeks here and there? Would we know who the other was? Would we be able to spend time together like we did before we had kids? Just being silly and having fun? Or would the buffer of children and daily schedule chatter being gone strip away any familiarity we have with the other?
I don't want to become another statistic. Now or later. The divorce rate for couples over 50 who have no children at home any longer has more than doubled in the last 25 years. Friends, that's devastating. Marriage is hard enough as it is, but by not being intentional about connection, for the sake of our kids, are we becoming accidentally disconnected? So disconnected that we lose ourselves, our "just us" along the way? Which really wasn't so accidental after all, but instead, just thoughtless. (Could this be where midlife crisis' happen?)
So while I know we are and will be judged for leaving our kids at home every now and then (and by home I mean safely with their grandparents), I won't be shaken from my firm stance that if Josh and I are to stay together long after our girls have started their own lives outside of our home, we have to know who Josh and Amanda are now and who they are growing into every single year. And if we are honest, we need to be doing it just as much now so we make it to then. Are Josh and I perfect? Heck. to. the. no. Are we trying, fighting for what we want our future to look like? Heck. to. the. yes.
"Just Us" time doesn't have to be overnight trips or a week away in a beautiful destination. It can be an hour or two after bedtime, hanging out, watching tv and holding hands. It can be a movie or lunch or grocery shopping or whatever makes you feel like you're back to being a couple. The "you" you were before their was "all of us".
Hear my words my precious friend-
We put our kids ahead of our own needs as parents all of the time. We sit in the sweltering heat of ball games, work extra hours so we have money to do fun things for them, clean up their vomit (well, Josh does that. I can't) and even set our own physical and mental health aside so they can have everything they need to grow into well rounded adults who change the world.
It is NOT selfish of you to want to make sure they have parents who love each other and want to be sure they hold their marriage to the standard with which God created it for. It is NOT selfish to make sure connection & friendship with your spouse is a priority. It is NOT selfish to strive to provide a marriage worth mimicking in their own lives. Don't sacrifice a healthy, fulfilling, God honoring marriage for your kids because in the end, you're doing them a disservice as much as you are your own happiness and future.
After all is said and done, if we have raise 2 healthy, loving, God serving, productive children and our marriage has survived it, nay, come out even better than ever, than we have done a dang good job.
It is okay for us to be "just us" once in a while. We will be stronger for it, a better team for it, healthier for it and when the day comes when those kids are gone and it's just us two again, like in the beginning, we'll be even more in love for it. We will have stood the test of time and having survived raising children ready to take on whatever is next.
Just. Us.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Thursday, August 22, 2019
My "hasn't failed me yet" stain remover trick you'll LOVE!
It never fails, does it? You get a cute new shirt or that perfect pair of jeans and boom! You get clumsy (or someone else does) and you've got an awful stain that you just can't get rid of.
Or... you have kids and everything is stained because, well, kids.
Last Fall we took a trip to Boston and bought our oldest the cutest hoodie in which she proceeded to live in for the next few months. When I say lived in, I mean she wore it every. single. day.
K isn't the tidiest person and it wasn't long until that teal hoodie was covered in chocolate, taco grease, coffee drips, pen marks or whatever other nonsense she seemed to spill on it during her day.
It came to the point that I was willing to try anything to get it clean and if it ruined it, well, it was already ruined so anything was worth a shot.
After some Pinteresting (yep, totally made that word up), I stumbled across this stain removal trick and gave it a go and was BLOWN AWAY by how well it worked. I wish I could give the original pinner credit, but I didn't actually pin it (which was rookie mistake. Don't forget to pin this one!)
Here is the after picture. I say "hasn't failed me yet" as a total disclaimer just in case one day there is something it can't tackle. So far, it's removed very set in/ washed multiple times chocolate, ink, grease, ball cap and armpit sweat and even blood stains.(I've got a kid who is a bleeder when it comes to her nose).
Below is my "hasn't failed me yet" stain removal process. I have it laid out step by step, but you can also scroll down to the bottom and see the process in a one pinnable or savable picture for antsy launderers who don't have time to read.
What you'll need:
Hydrogen Peroxide * Baking Soda * Dawn Dish Soap * Scentsy Laundry Liquid
Squirt Dawn dish soap over stain being sure you have enough to cover your stain. Sprinkle baking soda over soap and rub to create a thick paste. Let it sit & do it's thing for at least one hour then rinse in the sink to remove excess dish soap.
Finally, wash as normal using Scentsy Laundry Liquid. Laundry Liquid has a powerful 6-enzyme formula that attacks difficult stains while penetrating cleaning agents lift away any excess dirt. It also leaves laundry remarkably clean as it enlivens your clothes, linens and towels it's signature fragrances.
As mentioned before, we've yet to find a stain it can't handle, but also do a test spot with the peroxide on a spot that can't be seen before diving into this process. < You know I had to say it ;)
And for you scrollers, here is your one and done explanation on how to use this stain remover:
If you use this trick, we'd love to know how it worked for you and what you used it on!
Share in the comments below & happy laundering! Errr.. never mind. That's lame.
I'll just wish you good luck & see ya stains! - Amanda
kickin wicks,
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Tips from a Wanderer...
It's no secret that our family loves to travel. Between the opportunities we have through my Scentsy business and the experiences we can't wait to have, we are always thinking about and dreaming about our next adventure.
It never fails when we return from a trip that we have friends, family and even strangers asking how we are able to take such fun trips and find such neat places to eat, sleep and play, all while not totally depleting our bank account.
So, here we are with my top tips on becoming a expert Wanderer. While it isn't all of the tricks I use, these are the ones I get asked about the most.
Ready? Let's dive in!
1. Where to stay...
We have 2 favorite ways of finding a place to rest our travel weary heads. One takes a little planning and the other is for those last minute escapes of whimsy or the "we've been driving forever, let's pull over and stop for the night."
The first is Airbnb. We were introduced to the Airbnb concept in Nashville some years ago and have never looked back. Using Airbnb gives you the flexibility to find a space that suits your family to a T. Have a big family or big group going? Skip having to book 2-3 separate rooms at a hotel and find a big house to rent instead. This is not to say in the least that we aren't big hotel fans (we are!), but there are times where, when traveling on a budget, you can find some stellar deals on some beautiful & most immersing places to stay using this avenue. For instance, on a trip to Charleston, SC years ago, we were able to stay in an apartment over a garage in West Ashley (gorgeous area) for a week for $287. For that area, a hotel would have likely tripled that cost.
I've had many friends say they are nervous to use Airbnb because it's someone's house. Pro tip: Read every review and leave your own after you stay. It is the BEST way to get a good understanding of what you're walking into. Also be sure to read all the details of the home & things like cancellation policies.
The other tool we love to use for those last minute hotel needs is HotelTonight. It's an app that can be made to make those very last minute hotel stays. You can search based on your destination, or, if needing to pull over for the night, use the location tracker to see what's nearby. The later in the day you book, the lower the rates get. (They want to fill up those rooms!). If you have a large group, this may not be the right fit, but if it's just a few of you, it's pretty great. While you can't choose the type of room you want at checkout, you will know exactly where you are staying & I've had great luck asking the clerk at check in if they have a specific room available.
Pro Tip: Take a Scentsy mini warmer or our=wall diffuser (coming Fall 2019) and create an intentional scent memory for every trip you take. Scent memories will automatically tie you right back to that incredible destination (and keep your space smelling great in the meantime)
2. What to eat...
Admittedly, I focus on this aspect a LOT when we travel. We love to try new foods and explore what is regionally & the specialty of where we are. I am the gal that will refuse to eat Red Lobster if I'm in Maine. Let's just get real.
One of the best tips I have for finding what is the best of the best, without getting caught up in chains or tourist traps is Instagram. Yep, Instagram.
Using IG to search for foodie related hashtags has led us to some incredible eats. So what do you look for? Well, recently we traveled to Austin and so I hopped on IG, hit the search button typed in the following (one at a time of course): #Austin #Austinfoodie #Austineats #Austinfood Then I'll scroll through the pictures that come up and click on whatever looks drool worthy, find out where it's from and go follow their account. On that trip, one of the discoveries was this small, but stealler breakfast joint, Bird Bird Biscuit . Without my IG search, I would have never found this tiny, tucked away gem and it was worth EVERY calorie.
Another "never has failed us" tool is the TVFOODMAPS App. If you are a Food Network fan, this app is for YOU! You can search a specific city or hit the search to see what's close to you that has been featured on shows like Triple D, Unique Sweets, and more of your favorite TV Food shows. On that same trip to Austin, we discovered Cooper's BBQ through this app and found the most insanely delicious, hands down BEST brisket I've had in my life. It's ruined me on all other brisket.
3. What to do...
While Google has it role here, my standbys are always Instagram & Pinterest.
With Pinterest, I can find fellow bloggers own adventures and see what's popular in a certain area simply by typing the city's name in the search box. I do not like getting sucked into tourist traps, so using Pinterest to see what locals love to do is a great way to make the most of your time.
As with food, I use Instagram to explore what's fun in a city. I use the same method of hash tag searching, but generally will find all I need using the destinations name. For instance, this last weekend we were headed to Denver for a quick 48 trip. By searching #Denver, I found a really neat installation currently being held at the Denver Museum of Art.
Both of these methods allow you to see what the people who are living in, and others who are visiting, are doing and will save you a lot of time and research.
As mentioned before, because of my business as a Scentsy consultant, we get the opportunity to travel frequently. Whether it's because we've earned an incredible incentive trip or are heading to a regional training or our annual Scentsy Family reunion, we have been to some incredible places over the last 10 years. Those events alone have taken us to Disney World, Disneyland, Charleston, Cozumel, Cancun, Vegas, Dallas, Denver, & many other big and small cities across the US.
The other thing my Scentsy business allows is the freedom to visit other destinations on our personal wish lists. It has helped create time and the financial flexibility to become Wanderers and we take every opportunity we get. We are big believers in memories over stuff around here.
If you have your own travel tips that are your 'go tos' we'd love to hear them! Drop them in the comments below and share your travel smarts with us!
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